Attention Recruiters:

We'll Help You Add An Extra 2-3 Job Orders Every Month.

And, if we can't deliver a return-on-investment, we'll refund you in full.

We help recruiters build sustainable marketing and sales systems, consistently adding dozens of job orders without having to cold call, spend hours scraping job postings, or relying on temporary solutions like lead brokers or agencies.

Customer Acquisition Is Becoming Increasingly Challenging

And the current market options just aren’t cutting it.

  • Lead Brokers. The market is flooded with lead brokers and appointment setters who promise you exclusive recruitment leads but sell the same leads to your competitors. These leads are usually low-quality and a waste of time.

  • Marketing Agencies. Marketing agencies are fickle and operate on a short-term "churn and burn" basis by overpromising and underdelivering. They usually rely heavily on short-term tactics that wear off quickly.

  • Full-time Hires. Full-time hires may seem like a viable option, but finding high-quality full-stack marketers capable of generating real growth for your recruitment agency is both expensive and difficult in today’s market.

But, there is a solution...

What you need is a system for generating sustainable and predictable growth without relying on temporary solutions like marketing agencies and lead brokers. You need accountable partners who are invested in the long-term success of your recruitment agency - we call this a Growth Partnership.

With a Growth Partnership, you'll get:

  • Long-term Sustainable Growth: Fill your sales pipeline with a predicable flow of hungry-to-buy customers to grow your business.

  • Profitable Customer Acquisition: Bring your acquisition costs down with high-quality leads generated through assets you own.

  • More Time & Energy: Spend less time worrying about where your next projects are coming from. We carry the load so you can focus on the fun stuff!

Backed by our...

Profit Guarantee

We are 100% confident that, if your company makes it through our qualification process, we will deliver. And, if we don't generate an 100% ROI, we will give you a full refund.

If you're ready to take your staffing + recruiting company to the next level...

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